Prof. Dr. Zoltan Galajda

With over 25 years of experience in vascular and cardiovascular surgery and over four thousand complex interventions, both classical and minimally invasive, prof. Zoltan Galajda, is a University Professor at the University of Debrecen and the Western University “Vasile Goldis” in Arad, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Primary Physician of Cardiovascular Surgery.

For interdisciplinary consultations conducted by prof. dr. Zoltan Galajda through collaboration with partner medical units, as well as for CT/MRI/ANGIOGRAPHS contacts and appointments are made and mediated by Cardionet International Hospital.



Programming interdisciplinary consultations

Interdisciplinary consultation 450lei (online payment – card)

Initially, call for consultation request at

Apel 0745171730,

to establish the details with  Mr. Prof. Dr. Zoltan Galajda.

Use the Form for registration and payment of the interdisciplinary consultation as follows:

  • In the programming form click for NEXT STEP;
  • You are automatically switched to the calendar page: check the set date and time with the doctor on the phone;
  • You are automatically switched to the appointment details page;
  • Pass your data to validate the registration and click on NEXT STEP;
  • You are automatically switched to the page where you pay for the consultation using a card and click Next STEP;
  • Upon completion you will receive an email with all the details of your appointment, including the invoice issued automatically, on your name.

If you have documents to send to the doctor after completing the appointment, please use the button for uploading medical documents

Registration and payment of interdisciplinary consultations



Programming for Rapid interpretation CT/MRI/ANGIOGRAPHS

Quick interpretation CT/MRI/ANGIOGRAPHS 570lei (online payment – card)

Initially, call for interpretation request at

Apel 0745171730,

to establish the details with Mr. Prof. Dr. Zoltan Galajda.

Use the Form for registration and payment Quick interpretation CT/MRI/ANGIOGRAPHS as follows:

  • In the programming form click for NEXT STEP;
  • You are automatically switched to the calendar page: check the set date and time with the doctor on the phone;
  • You are automatically switched to the appointment details page;
  • Pass your data to validate the registration and click on NEXT STEP;
  • You are automatically switched to the page where you pay for Quick Interpretation CT/MRI/ANGIOGRAPHS using a card and click on NEXT STEP;
  • Upon completion you will receive an email with all the details of your appointment, including the invoice issued automatically, on your name.

For loading CT/MRI/Angiographies use a Laptop or PC

Follow the instructions on the CT/MRI/ANGIOGRAPHY documents loading page, to which you are automatically redirected after the data is passed on the registration form and the online payment is made.

If you need additional information call

Apel 0745171730

Formularul pentru înregistrarea şi interpretarea rapidă a CT/RMN/ANGIOGRAFII
